

In 1930, the English Baron Sir James Gow Mann informed the English Society of Antiquaries of the discovery that the armour with which a group of statues in the Sanctuary of Graces had been clad since the 16th century was not made of papier-mâché, as mistakenly believed, but was authentic. Gathered here, they make up a corpus of worldwide significance, being the most conspicuous collection of Italian armour from the 15th and 16th centuries. In addition to the blow-up of the interior of the sanctuary (reproducing a 19th-century print), to evoke the original room, from whose vaults hangs a crocodile, another one, from the diocesan seminary, has been placed here.

See the volume that, edited by Alberto Riccadonna and Lucio Iasevoli, publishes the complete Italian translation of Mann's first report

Armour of Milanese workmanship, late 15th century.

Spesa oggetto del contributo nell'ambito del bando PNRR, Missione 1 – Digitalizzazione, innovazione, competitività e cultura, Componente 3 – Cultura 4.0 (M1C3), Misura 1 “Patrimonio culturale per la prossima generazione”, Investimento 1.2: “Rimozione delle barriere fisiche e cognitive in musei, biblioteche e archivi per consentire un più ampio accesso e partecipazione alla cultura” finanziato dall’Unione europea – NextGenerationEU“ – CUP: C64H22001410004.